Fire Alarm System
We install and maintain fire alarm system. There are mainly two types of alarm panel standard and addressabce. The alarm system consists of several other components viz smoke dtectors, manual call points, fire detectors etc.

Manual Call Point
This is one of the device connected to the fire alarm panel. This device is installed in order for manually raising alarm by any person during emergency.

Smoke Detector System
A smoke detector is a device connected to fire alarm system. This device upon detecting smoke it raises alarm and alerts the people hence preventing the damage of lives and properties.

Heat Detector
A heat detector is a device connected to fire alarm system. This device upon detecting excess heat in the room raises alarm and alerting people of the heat which could be fire also hence saving lives and property.
B/6 , Virani Manzil, 2nd floor, 4th Road, Khar West, Mumbai – 400 052.
Tel : +91-2226465566Fax : +91-2226486400
Email : target@spsgroup.in